
The Davidoff Nicaragua brand is getting bigger, but actually smaller. Davidoff Cigars has announced it is adding Davidoff Mini Cigarillos under the Davidoff Nicaragua portfolio. The new cigars will make their debut this month and are expected to be showcased at the 2015 IPCPR Trade Show.

It was two years ago, when the Davidoff Nicaragua line made its debut. This was Davidoff’s 100% Nicaraguan cigar which is now available in four regular offerings. Last year, the line expanded to include the Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua.  The Primeros line is a petit panatela offering, but as opposed to be 100% Nicaraguan tobacco, it showcased Nicaraguan tobacco and incorporated tobaccos from other countries.

The Davidoff Nicaragua Mini Cigarillos follows the same path as Primeros as it also incorporates tobaccos from other countries.  It uses a Habano Jalapa wrapper and a Sumatra binder, but incorporates Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers.


The Mini Cigarillo line is the smallest cigar offering by Davidoff. Other Mini Cigarillo line offerings include Davidoff Mini Cigarillo Silver, Davidoff Mini Cigarillo Gold, and Davidoff Mini Cigarillo Platinum. All are cigars just over 3 inches in length and have 20 ring gauge.Davidoff is specifically targeting the market segment of those cigar enthusiast looking for a very short smoke. “This exciting new Nicaraguan Mini Cigarillo is geared to delight aficionados who are searching for more intense and flavourful experiences. Being time poor and experience rich is possible, even in a 5- minute escape during a hectic day,” commented Charles Awad, Senior Vice President Global Marketing & Innovation at Oettinger Davidoff AG.

At a glance, here is a look the Davidoff Nicaragua Mini Cigarillos:

Blend Profile

Wrapper: Habano Jalapa
Binder: Sumatra
Filler: Dominican, Nicaraguan
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic

Vitolas Available

Davidoff Mini Cigarillos measure 3 5/16 x 20. They are packaged in twenty count black-colored matt boxes with a price point of $19.90 per pack.

Photo Credits: Oettinger Davidoff AG