Over the past couple of years, Davidoff has been incorporating a Nicaraguan theme into several of its blends. In 2013, Davidoff introduced the Nicaraguan puro, Davidoff Nicaragua. Earlier this year, the Avo brand launched the Avo Syncro Nicaragua – a regular production Avo featuring Nicaraguan tobacco. Now a third line will be incorporating the Nicaraguan feel. Last week, The Griffin’s announced it was getting a Nicaraguan cigar appropriately called The Griffin’s Nicaragua. This new cigar is now in the process of getting launched, but at this time it’s only going to European market.
The Griffin’s Nicaragua line features a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper, a Dominican Piloto Cubano Seco binder as well as fillers from Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic. The cigar is being launched in 3 sizes: Short Torpedo, Robusto, and Gran Toro. The cigars will be packaged in 25 count cabinet style boxes. The cigars will feature a black colored version of The Griffin’s band. The cigars expected to hit European retailers in November.
The Griffin’s brand has origins dating back to 1964 when Bernard Grobet formed The Griffin’s nightclub in Geneva. In 1984, Grobet created the first Griffin’s cigar (thus launching The Griffin’s brand) that was meant to be an exclusive to his club. Eventually he started selling the cigar around Switzerland which led to a more widespread distribution. This ultimately led to the sale of the brand to Oettinger IMEX AG – the parent company of Davidoff.
At a glance, here is a look at The Griffin’s Nicaragua:
Blend Profile
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Habano
Binder: Dominican Piloto Cubano
Filler: Nicaraguan, Honduran, and Dominican
Country of Origin: Not Disclosed
Vitolas Available
Short Torpedo: 4 x 52
Robusto: 5 x 54
Gran Toro: 6 x 60