Atlantic Cigar has received an exclusive size of Warped Cigars’ El Oso line. The cigar is a 5 5/8 x 46 Corona Gorda and has a production run of 250 ten count boxes. The cigar is now available for purchase.
Consistent with the El Oso line, the cigar was produced at El Titan de Bronze out of Miami, Florida. El Titan de Bronze is the factory Warped uses for its El Oso, La Colmena, and Don Reynaldo lines. According to Warped Cigars, the entire production was rolled by Yoexi Quintanilla, a level nine roller out of El Titan de Bronze.
Like the regular production El Oso Pa Pa and Cub offerings, the cigar will feature an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper and binder and a combination of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers.
The suggested retail pricing is $13.50 per cigar, although Atlantic has priced the cigar at $12.15.