In 2017, Daniel Marshall launched a special humidor to commemorate 35 years in the cigar business. Now, there will be a special limited edition cigar to also commemorate the occasion. At this year’s IPCPR, the company will showcase the Daniel Marshall 35th Anniversary cigar.
Produced at Plasencia S.A., the cigar itself is a Nicaraguan puro offered in four sizes (Corona, Robusto, Torpedo, 6 x 60) and utilizing tobaccos from two years. The cigars are rolled and packaged in ten-count boxes. The boxes are then aged in the company’s DM Humidors. The cigar is meant to demonstrate the benefits of box aging a cigar in a DM Humidor.
The cigars will be adorned with a secondary band with the marking XXXV in gold.
Pricing per cigar is in the $15.00 to $18.00 range.
Photo Credit: Daniel Marshall