Starky Arias, best known for his work as lead designer at Cigar Rings and Director of Marketing at AJ Fernandez Cigars has a new venture. It’s a new B2B online platform called Cigar Marketplace. It’s goal is to enhance the relationship between cigar manufacturer/brand owner and retailer.
When it comes to business between a cigar manufacturer and a retailer, it is normally conducted face to face. However, when that face to face meeting doesn’t happen on a regular basis, it hampers business being conducted between the two. From his years of experience, Arias observed the pitfalls common between manufacturer and retailer and used this to build a platform.
“Cigar marketplace is not meant to replace sales representatives, its purpose is simply to facilitate the ordering process resulting in more efficient transactions for both retailers and manufacturers alike. The [Cigar Marketplace] will offer manufacturers wider distribution channels; improve customer satisfaction, and overall exposure. The retailer will experience more choices, and potentially at better prices, as Cigar Marketplace may help reduce the cost associated with more traditional channels of sales and distribution. In addition, Cigar Marketplace will also facilitate the virtual sales space to include accessories such as humidors, lighters and all other tobacco accessories. We look forward to making a series of announcements before the launch at the 2019 IPCPR in July.”
Cigar Marketplace will have an official launch at the 2019 IPCPR Trade Show.