One of the major players in the cigar industry has said based on the current plans by the Premium Cigar Association (PCA) for its CigarCon event that he is pulling out. David Garofalo today confirmed on the July 6th edition of his The Cigar Authority podcast that PCA 2020 will go on without him.
Garofalo cited he feels the direction by the PCA with bringing consumers into CigarCon will affect his ability to do business.
“I know what they (PCA) said they are doing to do. That’s enough information to say I’m out,” said Garofalo.
It’s a monster move that affects many things. Garofalo owns Two Guys Smoke Shop, one of the largest retail chains in the country. In addition, Garofalo also owns United Cigar which distributes many brands including Atabey, Byron, Bandolero, Garofalo, La Gianna Havana, and Fleur de la Reine. In addition, The Cigar Authority, which has one of the largest listenerships in the country will not be covering the show.
“They shouldn’t be worrying about me as the booth owner, but worry about me as the buyer,” commented Garofalo. According to Garofalo, he budgets around $1,000,000.00 a year to spend at the trade show as well as work with the manufacturers on promotions and events. Now it’s $1,000,000.00 less in revenue being generated by manufacturers at the show.
While some critics may say Garofalo’s decision is not a good business move, Garofalo feels this is the wrong direction the PCA is heading in. “I’m going to pay financially. It’s going to end up hurting, but somebody’s got to make a stand,” commented Garofalo.
Garofalo realizes some consumers might be put off by his decision, but according to him, the Trade Show is an important part of his business. “I’d rather be with you (consumers) 360 days a year, but give me some time where I need to get business done.”
The PCA and CigarCon event is scheduled to open July 10, 2020, in Las Vegas.
July 6, 2019 @ 9:46 pm
Spot. On. 100% correct. All of it.
July 6, 2019 @ 11:30 pm
I agree and I’m glad you and others like you are speaking out. Kudos. I’m with you brother. Irv CigarBroker.
July 7, 2019 @ 3:17 pm
David Garafolo is not a neophyte – he probably understands the business better than anyone; his new book aimed at helping B&M’s thrive in an internet-centric shopping environment is proof he cares about his fellow retailers… If he’s pulling out and making a stand – EVERYONE needs to listen…
July 7, 2019 @ 2:27 am
I agree with you.
July 7, 2019 @ 2:13 pm
Two things come to mind off the top. Atabey, Byron, and Bandolero are great cigars but don’t cater to mainstream smoker by any means. $35 for a cigar may not touch the avg. customer…ever. On the other side, standing up for what he believes in I am 100% behind always and forever.
July 8, 2019 @ 4:13 am
It’s a trade show so keep it as a trade show. I’m staggered at the exorbitant prices people are getting charged to rent spaces and for setting up. The exhibition spaces are going to drive brands away (and from what I read, there were quite a few absent brands this year) with rip off prices.
Who benefits from cigarcon? Certainly not the brands. The public will be charged for entry and the brands are expected to give even more cigars away for free?
Someone needs to set up a new brand trade show with control of pricing. All trade shows are costly but are needed.
I’ve always thought of the IPCPR as the Mecca of New World cigars and had hoped to join in one or two years time but based on their plans, I’ll stick to Intertabac in Dortmund.
Respect to David Garofalo for taking a stand. I hope other brands follow suit. Don’t all be sheep!
July 10, 2019 @ 7:04 pm
100% With you! Much Respect!