Launching “The Blog” component on Cigar Coop has provided us a new avenue to deliver content in addition to our industry-leading news and reviews. With the COVID-19 pandemic leading to the cancellation of the 2020 Premium Cigar Association (PCA) Trade Show, it has led to many cigar companies coming up with creative ways to interact with retailers. This week, RoMa Craft Tobac unveiled a program to deliver a virtual trade show program to its current and future retailers.
From July 1-14, 2020, RoMa Craft Tobac will host appointments for its retailers to attend a private 15 to 30-minute session on Zoom. Each retailer will have the ability to discuss its account with RoMa Craft Tobac. In addition, retailers who are not RoMa Craft Tobac customers will have the ability to open up a new account.
The company will also be taking orders for its Baka line, and the virtual appointments will be the only way to order the offerings in this line. Details on signup for the Virtual Trade Show program are in the header graphic above.
Image Credit: RoMa Craft Tobac