For the fourth year in a row Tabacalera SLU will release a Chinese New Year commemorative cigar under its VegaFina brand. For 2021, that cigar is the VegaFina Year of the Ox.
The cigar features a Habana 2000 wrapper over a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos. The cigar measures 56 x 159 mm (56 x 6 1/4)
VegaFina Year of the Ox is launched in an original box with an oriental aesthetic based on its Chinese chest shape. The cigars are shipped in 16-count boxes consisting of two layers of 8 cigars (8 is considered a Chinese lucky number). Each cigar standard VegaFina cigar band and an additional one matching the box design.
VegaFina Year of the Ox will be released worldwide (non-U.S.) release in limited quantities.
Photo Credits: Tabacalera SLU