The Zino brand is getting a relaunch. Today, Davidoff announced the launch of a new self-titled Zino line. It’s meant to be a more affordable regular production cigar that features entirely new packaging under the Zino umbrella.
Zino has been a brand in the Davidoff portfolio for almost two decades. It’s meant to be a more contemporary-styled brand. It’s typically a brand that has used innovative packaging, and has attempted to push the boundaries of what Davidoff is known to do for its blends and sizes. In this case, the new Zino is positioned to deliver a pronounced Central American taste product profile.
The cigar features an Ecuadorian wrapper over a Nicaraguan binder and fillers from Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. The cigars are available in three sizes: Short Torpedo (52 x 4), Robusto (54 x 5), and Toro (50 x 6). The cigars are packaged in 25-count cabinet boxes which will be positioned at premium cigar outlets as well as four-count fresh packs which will also be available at convenience outlets.
“The new Zino brand is inspired by people who celebrate a lifestyle and state of mind driven by experiences, open-mindedness and an unwavering curiosity,” said Edward Simon, CMO at Oettinger Davidoff AG in a press release. “Zino Davidoff himself was a restless pioneer of the tobacco world and, when he set out to learn and gather experiences around the globe, he was only 19 years young. While creating the new Zino cigar brand, we aimed to suit Zino Davidoff’s sense of discovery and spirit to live in the moment, and are very excited about the result. The blend of the new Zino Cigars is sure to please those who look for earthy taste profiles with spices and some sweetness.”
The new Zino Cigars are expected to reach retailers in May.
Photo Credits: Oettinger Davidoff AG