After the past few years as a part of the Miami Cigar & Company booth, the 2021 Premium Cigar Association (PCA) Trade Show saw Toscano Cigars with its own booth. Toscano Cigars are different than just about every premium handmade cigar at the Trade Show in that they are fire-cured cigars that are produced in Italy. Given the very different nature of the Toscano product, it was great to see Toscano focus on education about the products and I believe the presentation of the products was well done. These products include a special limited edition release called the Toscano Nobile it was showcasing at the Trade Show.

Toscano Nobile is a cigar that was originally released to the duty-free market and celebrates the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. The cigar consists of 100% Kentucky Fire Cured Tobacco and is highlighted by a wrapper that has been aged for ten years. Production comes from Toscano’s Lucca factory in Italy. The packaging continues a trend we have seen by Toscano Cigars in recent years of using 20-count boxes.


It is worth noting that the Handbook of the Toscano Cigar is probably the best tobacco book I’ve seen. It tells the history and production of the Toscano Cigar brand and is available to retailers.

Interview with Michael Cappellini of Toscano Cigars

Note: Due to age restrictions, you might have to click on “Watch on YouTube” to play the video.

Product Reports

Photo Credits: Erron Nielsen for Cigar Coop