Joya de Nicaragua’s Dos Cientos, a commemorative limited edition cigar to celebrate the celebrate the bicentennial of Central America’s independence from the Spanish Empire, is on its way to retailers. The cigar is shipping after a couple of months of delay due to materials and logistics problems.
“This year we have faced enormous challenges … from longer lead times in transportation, to limited capacities from our vendors … to cope with the surge of demand we are seeing,” says Daniel Barrios, Joya de Nicaragua’s Global Commercial Manager in a press release. “The launch of Dos Cientos wasn’t an exception.”
Dos Cientos is a one-time release that is a part of Joya de Nicaragua’s most premium collection, Obras Maestras. The Dos Cientos will be exclusive to Drew Diplomat Retailers. The cigars are packed in 21-count boxes. One cigar is wrapped in special paper with the expectation that consumers will save that specially wrapped cigar to enjoy during a virtual celebration that will be held on Nov. 18th, 2021.
“We invite our followers around the world to keep an eye on our social media where we will be announcing how to reserve your spot for our virtual event,” added Joya de Nicaragua’s Executive President, Juan Martinez. “We are very excited about it and working hard to give everyone a great experience. We want people to learn about our history, about the product and how it can be paired, but more important, about how our industry was built on the shoulders of a great community.”
For more information on Dos Cientos, see our coverage from earlier in 2021:
Cigar News: Joya de Nicaragua Dos Cientos Coming This Summer