E.P. Carrillo has a new cigar under its INCH line known as INCH Nicaragua. It is not only an all-Nicaraguan E.P. Carrillo cigar, but its an E.P. Carrillo cigar being made in Nicaragua at the Plasencia factory. The company posted an announcement on its website and provided details to Cigar Aficionado.
The INCH Nicaragua marks the first time an E.P. Carrillo cigar is being made outside Ernesto Perez-Carrillo’s Tabacalera La Alianza. In addition to being produced at the Plasencia factory in Estelí, Nicaragua, it also uses all-Nicaraguan tobaccos grown by the Plasencias. The cigars come in three sizes: No. 60 (5 7/8 x 60, SRP $10.95); No. 62 (5 x 62, SRP $9.95), and No. 64 (6 1/8 by 64, SRP $12.95). Each will be presented in 24-count boxes.
The cigar will be showcased at the 2022 PCA Trade Show in Las Vegas Nevada, which is scheduled to open on July 9, 2022, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
At a glance, here is a look at the E.P. Carillo INCH Nicaragua:
Blend and Origin
Wrapper: Nicaraguan
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Factory: Plasencia S.A.
Vitolas Offered
No. 60: 5 7/8 x 60
No. 62: 5 x 62
No. 64: 6 1/8 x 64