Agile Cigar Reviews are cigar assessments where we use a lightweight, shorter format. While we typically use these to review different sizes or different ages, from time to time we will also use these to explore a newer brand. Today we take a look at a newer brand from Troianiello Cigars with the Troianiello Maduro Robusto.
Wrapper: Maduro
Filler: Nicaragua
Binder: Nicaragua
Country: Not Disclosed
Factory: Not Disclosed
Robusto: 5 x 50
Troianiello Cigars was founded in 2021 by cigar enthusiast Michael Troianiello. Based in Scranton, Pennsylvania the company has launched a series of both premium traditional cigars as well as premium flavored cigars. When Troianiello was younger, he developed an affinity for the aroma of his grandfather’s cigars. Once he became a cigar enthusiast in his own right, Troianiello sought to recapture both the essence of his grandfather’s cigars while satisfying his own palate – thus Troianiello Cigars was born. Today we take a look at one of the traditional blends, the Troianiello Maduro in the Robusto size.
While details of the origin of the cigar have not been publicly disclosed, we do know the Troianiello Maduro utilizes Nicaraguan tobaccos for the binder and filler. While the wrapper is a Maduro, the specific tobaccos have not been disclosed. In addition to being available in a 5 x 50 Robusto (which we are assessing today), there is also a 6 x 60 Gordo available. The cigars are available in 25-count boxes or bundles and are also sold as singles.
The Troianiello Maduro Robusto started out with a combination of coffee, wood, stone fruit, and mixed pepper. Early on the coffee and wood notes moved into the forefront. There was a combination of coffee and red pepper notes on the retro-hale. The second third saw the wood notes morph into a cedar note. Some dark chocolate notes mixed into the forefront. During this stage, there was an increase in the pepper notes which continued into the final third. As the cigar experience came to a close, the coffee and cedar notes were primary and rounded off by notes of pepper, stone fruit, and chocolate. The cigar finished up with a firm, cool nub.
The flavors delivered were on the upper end of medium-bodied. This was countered by medium strength. Both the strength and body balanced each other nicely. Both the burn and draw performed excellently and was on par with some of the best well-known brands in terms of how they performed in that territory. There was also ample smoke throughout the smoking experience.
Final Thoughts
For a cigar from a new company, the Troianiello Maduro Robusto was quite impressive. It delivered both a combination of flavors that could satisfy a cigar enthusiast looking for either a classic or contemporary experience (or both). The only drawback for me is there was more spice than I preferred with this particular flavor profile during the second half of the cigar. In a year that we have seen many premium cigars plagued by construction problems, it was pleasant to see a cigar like the Troianiello Maduro Robusto. Coming in at a very respectable 89 and priced at $8.50, this is a cigar I could recommend to any cigar enthusiast. As for myself – even with the second half spice, this is a cigar I would smoke again and get multiples to keep in the humidor.
Key Flavors: Coffee, Wood, Cedar, Dark Chocolate, Stone Fruit, Pepper
Burn: Excellent
Draw: Excellent
Complexity: Medium Plus
Strength: Medium
Body: Medium
Finish: Excellent
Value: Buy Multiples
Score: 89
News: n/a
Price: $8.50
Source: Troianiello Cigars
Brand Reference: Troianiello Cigars
Photo Credits: Cigar Coop