Fabien Ziegler is preparing for a comeback into the premium cigar industry. Ziegler, best known for his time at Drew Estate, will team up with Favilli Cigars for a series of collaboration projects. Specific details of the series have not been announced, but a planned launch of the first installment is scheduled for July of this year.
The project is described as a small batch production created by Indiana Ortez that will feature numbered packaging. It’s a series of cigar releases, and there will also be a release calendar unveiled.
The project stems from the long friendship of Ziegler with Jared Michaeli, President of Favilli Cigars.
In a press release, Ziegler states, “Preparing to share my latest dream with everybody means a lot to me, it has felt like a long time coming and I am ready for the next evolution! I hope all can enjoy the new series as much as I have enjoyed creating it! I could not have done it alone and am blessed to be able to collaborate with a friend like Jared. This project is designed to awaken many people who may be stuck in a product rut and bring about a different approach to how many of us enjoy traditional cigars. From the packaging to brand messaging to the product mix, this series is a totally [sic] unique for the industry and in a product space where I hope my expertise can lend the best consumer experience!”
Michaeli aded, “Announcing this collaboration is such a great moment for us, and a first in the many new avenues we are embarking on to reach our vision. In my eyes Fabien has always been a titan in the industry, one who has such an impressive client focus, personal attention to detail and excellent work ethic. The match between us is really a perfect fit as this too is our focus at Favilli in our next 15-year quest of new and better direction. Fabien’s experience in cigars is vast and is greatly highlighted in this collaborative series. Being in Granada with a completely different business model than the norm, both the vision and the personalities of Fabien and Favilli fit so well. We are proud to be the home where this collaboration lives, and I am honored to have a friend and industry mentor like Fabien consider Favilli as his preferred partner for the vision.”
The collaboration series will launch in the U.S. followed by a Canadian release. Favilli Cigars says select international markets could see availability by September 2022.
Image Credit: Favilli Cigars