Over the past few years, PDR Cigars has been rebranding, restructuring, and rebounding many of its cigars. The branding has been incorporating more in the way of vibrant colors on the boxes and bands. At the same time, owner Abe Flores has been incorporating more in the way of Dominican-grown tobaccos into his blends. Much of this stems from the fact that he had recently become a ProCigar member and wants to support the tobacco business out of the Dominican Republic. It also has allowed him to get more consistent tobacco in terms of what he is buying. This year, the rebrand continued with the rebranding of the Connecticut River Valley line. In addition, he had one surprise line he was keeping under wraps at the show.
The Connecticut River Valley line has moved from the Flores y Rodriguez brand to the A. Flores 1975 line. Both the CVT Azul and Maduro (now called CVR Roja) lines have new packaging, consistent with the vibrant colors and the blends have been tweaked. Both blends still utilize Connecticut Broadleaf for the wrapper. The lines have been streamlined to four sizes: Robusto, Gran Toro, Lancero, and Churchill, and now are offered in more retailer-friendly ten-count boxes. Flores said this will be limited to a twice-a-year production.
The surprise project is El Vineyet. This was a cigar that Flores literally pulled out of his pocket during the interview. It’s a limited edition line where you have to be hand-picked by Flores if you want to carry it. Retailers are being limited to a total of 50. The cigar is being rolled by Flores’ most senior roller in the factory. It’s also going to be produced in phases, one size at a time. Sizes include 898 (based on the Cuban 898 size), Belicoso, Robusto, and Salomon. There will be about 5,000 cigars with each production of a size.
Interview with Abe Flores, President of PDR Cigars
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