Davidoff has announced a new addition to the Camacho portfolio, the Camacho Broadleaf. This is a cigar that is highlighted by a Honduran-grown Broadleaf wrapper, a first for Camacho.
In addition to the Honduran Broadleaf wrapper, the blend consists of a Honduran binder and a combination of Honduran and Dominican fillers. The cigars will be offered in three sizes: Robusto (50 x 5, SRP $9.25/cigar), Toro (50 x 6, SRP $9.75/cigar), and Gordo (60 x 6, SRP $10.20/cigar)- each presented in 20-count boxes.
“I am thrilled with the amazing work our Master Blenders in Honduras have done. They created a cigar line which is not only excellent in taste, but also bold and fearless in attitude – exactly what our aficionados are searching for,” says Edward Simon, CMO at Oettinger Davidoff, in a press release. “The darker Broadleaf wrapper in particular adds a lot of excitement to the cigar experience, as it endows every format with an oily, almost silky appearance and a creamy note to the taste profile.”
The Camacho Broadleaf is slated to ship to retailers in the U.S. beginning September 7, 2023. This will be followed by launches for Germany and Switzerland on September 15.