Fuente Center


When Carlito Fuente celebrated his 70th birthday in Tampa back on April 27, 2024, he announced plans to open a Fuente Cultural Center in Ybor City. On Episode 312 of the Prime Time Show, Carlito appeared with José Blanco and talked about the vision for this center and why he has decided to move forward with it.

Carlito Fuente calls himself “Tampa Boy” because of his roots in Tampa. In fact, his birthday cigars at his party were adorned with that name. Carlito has been proud of his Tampa roots and he recognizes his family’s legacy from the “Cigar City” and the importance of Ybor City. As such, Carlito wanted to preserve his family’s legacy and show it off to the many visitors who come to Tampa.

Carltio reflected on the days when OpusX was launching at gala events in New York at some of New York’s most centric places. He mentioned the Rainbow Room at the NBC Building and Windows on the World at the World Trade Center. Essentially Carlito wants Tampa to have an equivalent of those places, and the planned cultural center can provide that.

He also sees the timing is right. The city of Tampa is growing, and Ybor City is changing. Carlito noted that there are many vacant places in Ybor City because the leases of establishments are not being renewed. Namely, there is a goal to bring in higher-end retailers. Essentially, the Fuente Center can benefit from this ongoing transformation.

As for the Fuente Center. Carlito envisions it as a place where you can sit down and have a cocktail. Visitors will be able to listen to jazz and have an opportunity to dance in a ballroom. There will be a gift shop and a cigar store – and, of course, a cigar lounge to smoke in. In addition, there are plans for a museum and a theatre. The outside will have fountains and palm trees, and it will be capped off with concierge services. Carlito says he is already securing the permits.

Carlito also recognized the efforts of Drew Newman of J.C. Newman Cigar Company for what he has been doing in Ybor City. Newman has worked on renovating his family’s factory El Reloj and turning it into a tourist destination. He has also built a cigar smoking park, and is restoring an old building that will become a hotel. There are also plans to grow a small amount of tobacco in Ybor City.

Here is the story in this short video:

Photo/Video Credits: Cigar Coop