Oliva Cigar Smoking World Championship

Oliva Cigar Company has been named the official cigar provider for the 2025 Cigar Smoking World Championship (CSWC). The company will supply the cigars used in the competitions.

CSWC is a global competition to see who can smoke a cigar for the longest time without re-lighting it. Before the main event, a series of worldwide qualifying tournaments takes place, with winners advancing to the final competition, typically held in late August in Croatia. Competitors smoke a 5 1/2 x 42 Mareva size. The new Oliva Cigar Smoking World Championship Cigar keeps to that format.

Oliva is the third company to provide a CSWC competition cigar. The first competition cigar was the Macanudo Inspirado (Orange) Mareva. In 2020, Rocky Patel Premium Cigars created the Rocky Patel Cigar Smoking World Championship Mareva. That cigar ended up placing #25 on the 2020 Cigar of the Year Countdown.

Details of the cigar have not been disclosed. According to an announcement on the Cigar Smoking World Championship website, “CSWC will feature Oliva Cigar as the official cigar for the competition, adding a layer of intrigue and intensity that smokers and competitors alike have never seen before. No competitor will be able to guess the exact Oliva cigar slow smoking properties and characteristics — adding an element of surprise and excitement.”

Details on the 2025 event are still forthcoming. The distribution date and pricing for this cigar have not been disclosed yet.