JC Newman 125th Anniversary Ashtray Winner

Today, we are selecting our winner of the commemorative ceramic J.C. Newman 125th Anniversary Ashtray!

This prize stems from a contest based on a Cigar Draft held on El Oso Fumar #Take317. On this show, Bear Duplisea, Tripp Waldrop, and Will Cooper each drafted a roster of ten cigars. These cigars appeared on each of the respective participants’ “Cigar of the Year” lists back in 2018. We received 29 valid entries, short of the minimum 50 votes needed to increase the prize pool.

The video has the drawing for the J.C. Newman 125th Anniversary Ashtray. We will contact the winner via email. Please respond quickly.

Draft and Results

The following are the rosters we assembled from our draft picks.


  • Bear: 11 votes
  • Coop: 11 votes
  • Tripp: 7 votes

Bear & Coop have tied. We may look at having a tiebreaker contest down the road.

Watch the Full Draft

You can watch the full episode of the Cigar Draft on El Oso Fumar Takes #Take317 here.