The Boutique Cigar Association has made two changes to its Board of Directors for 2024.
Cigar News: BCA Pavilion Set for 2023 PCA Trade Show
Following the completion of last years’s Premium Cigar Association (PCA) Trade Show, it was announced that the PCA and the Boutique Cigar Association (BCA) had formed a collaborative partnership where the BCA would be a part of the 2023 PCA Trade Show. That partnership has now led to the formation of the BCA Pavilion, an […]
Cigar News: Premium Cigar Association and Boutique Cigar Association of America Announce Alliance
The Premium Cigar Association has announced it has entered into a collaborative relationship with the Boutique Cigar Association of America (BCAA). As a part of the relationship, the Boutique Cigar Association of America will now be a part of the Premium Cigar Association Trade Show in 2023. The BCAA was founded in 2016 as an […]
Cigar News: Boutique Cigar Association Ends Non-Profit Status and Moves to Social Community Platform
The Boutique Cigar Association (BCA) announced it is changing its mission statement from a trade association for small family-run cigar companies to a social platform for those companies. As a part of this change, the BCA will no longer operate as a non-profit organization. Finally, BCA President and Founder Dr. Gaby Kafie also announced his resignation. […]