Today we take a look at another cigar in the the Cigar Golf Club line – The Green. Cigar Golf Club is a line that comes from Alexandra Plasencia. The Plasencias are known as one of the iconic families in the cigar industry. With farming and factory operations in Nicaragua and Honduras as well as additional farms in […]
Cigar Review: Cigar Golf Club-The Driver
The Plasencias are one of the iconic families in the cigar industry. With farming and factory operations in Nicaragua and Honduras as well as additional farms in Costa Rica and Panama, they have worked to produce cigars for many brands in the cigar industry. In addition, many might forget that the Plasencias have also put their name on several cigars. Most […]
Cigar News: Cigar Golf Club Teams Up with Plasencia to Launch Cigar Line
Cigar Golf Club, a company that will offer premium handmade cigars geared for golfers has launched in the U.S. market. The company has announced it is teaming up with the Plasencia family for a line of five cigar blends. . “Our focus is to ‘Share our Passion’ of golf and enjoy the taste of a […]