Rocky Patel Hercules The Rocky Patel Hercules is a retail-exclusive cigar for Corona Cigar Company in Orlando, Florida. It is made by Rocky Patel Premium Cigars, who is no stranger to the retail exclusive business. Rocky Patel has launched retail exclusives for stores such as Holt’s (Rocky Patel Ocean Club) and Tinderbox Charlotte (1939 Reserve). […]
Cigar Review: Tatuaje Mexican Experiment
Tatuaje Mexican Experiment Earlier this year, Tatuaje Cigars’ founder Pete Johnson unveiled some plans for his 2012 releases on Kiss My Ash Radio. Since then, those plans were reiterated on various media outlets. When word got out of a limited release called the Tatuaje Mexican Experiment, it caught many people off guard. As it turns […]
Cigar Review: Aging Room Haváo Connecticut
Aging Room Havao Connecticut The Aging Room Havao Connecticut is the second blend to be released under Boutique Blend Cigars’ Aging Room Cigars line. It is also the first cigar to be launched under the Boutique Blends Cigars’ umbrella. This cigar fills a niche as it adds a Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade cigar into the Boutique […]
Cigar Review: Illusione Ultra OP No. 9
Illusione Ultra OP No. 9 The Illusione Ultra series was launched in 2011. The Ultra had been released in small limited quantities in the past in the mk vitola. Last year, Illusione founder Dion Giolito decided to modify the blend for that vitola and release it as a new line in the Illusione portfolio. While […]
Cigar Review: Boris 11 Connecticut
Boris 11 Connecticut The Boris 11 Connecticut might not be a cigar many people have heard of. This is a cigar exclusive to Jeff Boryciewicz’s Corona Cigar Company stores in Orlando, Florida. Many times when I visit a retailer, I like to sample a cigar that is unique to that shop. Ive always been pleased […]
Cigar Review: Rocky Patel Edge Candela
Rocky Patel Edge Candela Rocky Patel Premium Cigars became the latest premium cigar manufacturer to release a candela cigar. The release of the Rocky Patel Edge Candela is the third major candela release for 2012 joining La Flor Dominicana (Double Claro) and Viaje (WLP St. Patrick’s Day Candela 2012). Candela (technically called Double Claro) wrappers […]
Cigar Review: Pinar Del Rio Small Batch Reserve Maduro
Pinar Del Rio Small Batch Reserve Maduro In the past few years, the Abraham Flores and Juan Rodriguez have been establishing a name with their Pinar Del Rio Cigars. Almost two years ago, they launched the successful PDR 1878 series, and now with a new factory in the Dominican Republic, they appear ready to continue […]
Cigar Review: C & C Corojo
C & C Corojo A few weeks ago we assessed the C & C Connecticut and found it to be a very solid cigar experience. This was a mild strength, mild to medium-bodied cigar. In this assessment, we turn our attention to the C & C Corojo. Like the Connecticut, the C & C Corojo […]
Cigar Review: Sosa Family Selection Maduro
Sosa Family Selection Maduro A few weeks ago, we assessed a cigar from Sosa Cigars called the Sosa Family Selection Connecticut. This cigar proved to be a nice revelation in the world of Ecuadorian Connecticut cigars. We now turn our attention to another blend that is under the Sosa Family Selection line. This cigar is […]
Cigar Review: Burn Special Reserve by Rocky Patel
Burn Special Reserve by Rocky Patel Back on the February 4th, 2012 Cigar Dave show, a new cigar from Rocky Patel Premium Cigars was announced. This new cigar, the Burn Special Reserve was intended to be a cigar to be made available as an exclusive to brick and mortar retailers that have a Rocky Patel […]