Nestor Miranda Special Selection Exclusivo Regional |
Miami Cigar and Company’s Nestor Miranda Special Selection Exclusivo Regional is a limited production cigar that will be a regional exclusive to the Midwest United States. From a blend perspective, the big differentiator is that this particular cigar will use a San Andres Mexican wrapper. This wrapper is not new to a Nestor Miranda branded cigar. Last year, the Danno 2012 used this wrapper. The wrapper worked very well on that cigar and it came in as our #26 Cigar for 2012. At times, I’ve been critical of San Andres wrappers, but given how well it worked for the Danno, I had high expectations for the Exclusivo Regional. In this case, I think the jury might still be out. My gut tells me if in general a fan of San Andres wrappers, you will love this cigar. Otherwise, this might be a case where you want to wait and see.
My big complaint with the Mexican San Andres wrapper is not from a quality standpoint, but more from a flavor standpoint. I find with some blends it can overwhelm and create a sharp, pungent spice. With other blends (such as the Danno 2012), it can work some magic. As we will see, there are still a lot of positives with this cigar. As I mentioned, I do believe the cigar enthusiasts who love what this wrapper brings to the table will love this cigar.
Without further ado, let’s break down the Nestor Miranda Special Selection Exclusivo Regional and see what this cigar brings to the table. Since these were pre-release cigar provided, we will default to a pre-review to share our thoughts and perspectives. At some later point in time, we will revisit this cigar and provide an assessment rating and score.
Blend Profile
In addition to the San Andres Mexican wrapper, this cigar features Nicaraguan binder and filler.
Wrapper: San Andres Mexican
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Vitolas Available
The cigars will be available in two box-press sizes with a box production of 500. It is worth noting that sizes are also offered in the three core lines.
Robusto Extra: 5 1/2 x 54
6 x 60: 6 x 60
For this cigar experience, I smoked the Robusto Extra. The Nestor Miranda Special Selection Exclusivo Regional Robusto Extra has a nice combination of coffee bean and colorado red as its color. Upon closer examination of the wrapper, there is some darker marbling that is visible. I would not categorize this wrapper as oily. The surface of the wrapper has a bit of a rough feel to it. There are visible veins and wrapper seams. As for the box-press it is well-packed with no soft spots. Overall, I found the cigar’s ruggedness gave it some charm.
Nestor Miranda Special Selection Exclusivo Regional – Burn |
Final Thoughts
As I mentioned above, if you are a cigar enthusiast who does like San Andres Mexican wrapper, the Nestor Miranda Special Selection Exclusivo Regional is probably going to be a cigar you like. While this cigar did not fit in my wheelhouse, I still some enthusiasts where it is in their flavor profile. How the flavors hit your senses once you start smoking it will be up to you. I do see some aging potential with the Exclusivo Regional, so much of the sharpness/pungency I sensed in the flavor profile could mellow a bit. This is going to be a cigar I revisit in the next few months because I am curious to see what it does.
Body: Full
Source: The cigar for this assessment was provided by Miami Cigar and Company. The sample received was in order to provide feedback. Cigar Coop is appreciative for the samples, but in no way does this influence this write-up.