
Following the issuing of the requirements from the The issuing of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Erik Hanson, Executive Chairman and Chief Strategy Officer of the Klin Groupe issued a statement reaffirming the company’s commitment to the cigar business. Klin Groupe is the parent company of Hammer + Sickle as well as the Caleanoch brands of cigars:

Hammer + Sickle Cigars remains fully committed to our cigar business in the United States. We will be filing Substantial Equivalence for all of our blends available in the US marketplace. Through our deep experience in the highly regulated beverage alcohol space, we are organized and resourced to comply with the Substantial Equivalence filing processes, procedures and expenses. We expect Hammer + Sickle to be a strong partner in your humidor for many years to come.

The issuing of the FDA’s regulations on the cigar industry are expected to impose significant costs or “user fees” on cigar manufacturers and brand owners as a part of the compliance process.  These costs put the future of many of the smaller cigar companies in doubt. Pending litigation or legislative action, these regulations begin to go into place on August 8 2016.

Photo Credit: Hammer + Sickle Cigars