Cigar Dojo and Espinosa Cigars are at it again. The duo is collaborating once again on an exclusive cigar called Sensei’s Sensational Sarsaparilla II. As the name indicates, it is a sequel to the previous collaboration the duo as done, Sensei’s Sensational Sarsaparilla that was released back in 2014.
Sensei’s Sensational Sarsaparilla II will feature the same blend as the first one, but will be introduced in a new format, a 6 x 50 Toro. In addition the cigar will feature new packaging, including updated artwork on the bundles as well as altered band designs. This will allow cigar enthusiasts to distinguish Sarsaparilla II from the original.
“The original Sarsaparilla is still one of my favorite cigars, and we get begged by folks to re-release it constantly,” said Eric Guttormson (AKA, “Master Sensei” of Cigar Dojo) in a press release. “But we didn’t want to simply remake the original, we wanted to make it a unique experience. The new toro size seems to be the perfect fit for the blend and, as always, the Espinosa team nailed it!”
A total of 1,000 ten count bundles will be sold through Famous Smoke Ship. Pricing is set at $89.99 per bundle. The cigars will be ordered through the retailer’s online store on October 21st, 2016. Members of the Cigar Dojo app and community will have the first opportunity to smoke the cigar. Sales will be staggered throughout the day before the sales will open to the general public. That same evening, Famous Smoke Shop will host a launch event at its Leaf Cigar Bar in Easton, Pennsylvania with both Guttormson and Espinosa owner Erik Espinosa in attendance.
“Everywhere we go, all over the country, people always ask if there will be more Sarsaparilla,” commented Espinosa in the press release. “It’s amazing how popular the project has become. The new Sarsaparilla is the same blend, but rolled in a new size to highlight the unique tobaccos even more than before.”
At a glance, here is a look at the Sarsaprilla line:
Blend Profile
Wrapper: Mexican San Andres
Binder: Not Disclosed
Filler: Not Disclosed
Country of Origin: Nicaragua (La Zona)
Vitolas Available
Sarsaparilla II: 6 x 50 (Toro)
Sarsaparilla I: 5 1/2 x 52 (Belicoso – no longer available)