
At the 2017 ProCigar Festival in the Dominican Republic, La Aurora Cigars unveiled a new line known as the La Aurora ADN Dominicano. This release incorporates a tobacco known as Andullo into the blend.

Andullo tobacco undergoes a very different curing process than traditional cigar tobacco leaves.  This involves putting tobacco leaves in palm seed pods.  The pods are then wrapped in rope causing the andullo tobacco to compress into a thick bar almost looking like a roll of salami.  Working with Andullo is not a new concept for La Aurora as they have done releases for Ventura Cigar Company and Total Flame utilizing that tobacco.

ADN Dominicano stands for “Dominican DNA”.  While Andullo isn’t very common in a premium hand-made cigar, the use of Andullo tobacco is an old Dominican process and the company pays homage to that process with he ADN Dominicano release.

The blend itself is a multi-national one and is finished with a Dominican wrapper from the Cibao Valley. The cigars is being released in four sizes.

The La Aurora ADN Dominicano expected to be released widespread in the U.S. market later this year.

Blend Profile

Wrapper: Dominican (Cibao Valley)
Binder: Cameroon
Filler: Dominican (Cibao Valley), Pennsylvania, Nicaragua, Andullo.
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic (La Aurora SA)

Vitolas Available

Robusto: 5 x 50
Toro: 5 3/4 x 54
Churchill: 7 x 47
Gran Toro: 6 x 58

Photo Credit: La Aurora