Information continues to trickle out at a slow pace in regards to the exclusive cigars being released in 2018 for the Tobacconist Association of America (TAA). Today Gurkha announced it will be joining the party with its first TAA cigar, the Gurkha Heritage Rosado Toro.
The cigar is an extension to its Gurkha Heritage line. The cigar consists of an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, Ecuadorian binder, and a combination of Peruvian and Nicaraguan fillers. The cigar will come in one size -a 6 x 52 box-pressed toro. The cigars will be presented in 10-count boxes with a total production of 1,000 boxes planned. Pricing will be $100.00 per box.
“We are excited to introduce our first ever TAA exclusive cigar and will be making this an annual tradition at Gurkha,” said Carlos Llaca, Director of Operations in a press release. “We were looking to make something special for the TAA’s 50th Anniversary and we feel this is the perfect cigar to celebrate the association and its members.”
The company expects the Gurkha TAA will shipping to TAA members this summer.