For several years, Ventura Cigar Company has been the premium cigar arm of Kretek International. Now it is set to become a full-fledged standalone business. This week, Kretek announced that Ventura will become a subsidiary. As a part of this effort, it will allow Ventura Cigar to focus on its own premium tobacco sales channel, and continue to develop its brands. The transition is effective this month.
“We’re excited to bring a cigar division directly under our wing. Kretek will give Ventura Cigars the autonomy it needs to flourish, while providing some of the bigger picture infrastructure like staffing, warehousing, and distributing. As a former General Manager for Ventura Cigars, I know that this newly applied focus will help them succeed as a serious player in the Cigar space. Ventura Cigars has great products and a solid team, and I’m looking forward to being involved with bringing their portfolio to market in a better way,” commented Patrick Hurd, Vice President of Sales for Kretak International Inc. in a press release.
“We’re truly excited about this new phase,” says Michael Giannini, General Manager of Ventura Cigars. “We’ve come a long way with Phillips and King, but as a standalone company, Ventura Cigars will be able to build out our brands and really put ourselves on the map as a big player in our industry.”
The new structure will allow Ventura Cigar to have a dedicated direct to retail sales force focusing on premium tobacconists. Barry Bennett, National Sales Manager for Ventura Cigar will be building and heading up the sales force. Previously sales were handled by the Phillips & King, Kretek’s distribution arm for some 12,000 tobacco products. While Ventura will have a dedicated sales force, Phillips & King will continue to sell Ventura products.
“Ventura Cigars has enjoyed much success under Phillips & King for the past 7 years. And now we’ve put the pieces in place to stand on our own and build upon the exceptional work that Phillips & King started. We’ve got the people, the products, and now a bigger infrastructure and focus. The future of Ventura Cigars is looking great, and I’m pleased to be a part of it,” added Giannini.
Ventura Cigar is best known for the Archetype, Case Study, and PSyKo Seven brands.