At the 2019 IPCPR Trade Show, Joya de Nicaragua will showcase a cigar known as the Joya de Nicaragua Numero Uno. It’s the first cigar that is going to be part of Joya de Nicaragua’s Obras Maestros, a line the company is now designating for its most premium cigars which includes Cuatro Cinco and Cinco Décadas.
According to Joya de Nicaragua, Numero Uno is a cigar that started out as a private blend where it was handed out to Nicaraguan ambassadors who would gift them to world leaders. It later became a Joya de Nicaragua event-only cigar.
Last year, Numero Uno (called Joya de Nicaragua No. 1) was named the #1 Cigar of the Year on Halfwheel. It was a shocking selection considering the cigar was designated only for events.
Now the cigar becomes an ongoing limited production offering.
The blend itself features an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper over Nicaraguan binder and filler. It comes in one size – a 6 5/8 x 44 Lonsdale. The cigars will be presented in 25-count boxes priced at $15.00 SRP. Production will be limited to 1,500 boxes per year. Número Uno will only be available to Drew Diplomat retailers.
“Número Uno was developed as a unique gift and later an event-exclusive cigar, and although it wasn’t the original intention, we decided to make Número Uno available to a bigger audience. However it will remain as something exclusive, as production will be limited to 1,500 boxes a year for the global market and will be available only in selected retailers around the globe,” said Dr. Alejandro Martínez Cuenca, Chairman of Joya de Nicaragua in a press release.
“We will start shipping to stores early this fall, production is slower than in other products as only a selected group of very skilled rollers are assigned to this project”, added Juan Ignacio Martínez, Executive President of Joya de Nicaragua.
The 2016 IPCPR Trade Show opens June 29th in Las Vegas, Nevada.
At a glance, here is a look at the Joya de Nicaragua Número Uno:
Blend Profile
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Factory: Fábrica de Tabacos Joya de Nicaragua, S.A
Vitolas Offered
L’Ambassadeur: 6 5/8 x 44