Davidoff has announced this month the release of its Small Batch Series. It’s a series of twelve distinct blends available in small batches.
The Small Batch Series will consist of twelve unique and distinct blends in a single size. Tobaccos featured in the blends ae sourced from Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru and the Dominican Republic. Vitola formats featured in the series include Toro, Robusto, Belicoso, and Corona Extra.
Perhaps one thing different is the packaging. The cigars are wrapped in Kraft paper bundles consisting of 5 to 10 cigars. Each bundle has a label consisting of blend information, size, and rollers signature. Production of each blend varies, but there will be no more than 1,300 cigars per blend.
“Introducing these one of a kind Small Batch cigars, we are excited to add an additional touch of exclusivity to our distinct assortment of premium cigars. The tobaccos used are as rare as the talents that blend them. The roller’s signature on each Small Batch bundle further confirms our dedication and passion. And we are confident that they will delight the few fortunate aficionados who find them with a truly unique cigar experience,” says Edward Simon, Chief Marketing Officer at Oettinger Davidoff AG in a press release.
The Davidoff Small Batch Series will launch this month to select Davidoff appointed merchants in Germany, UK, Switzerland, the US, and Asia.
Photo Credit: Oettinger Davidoff AG