Ventura Cigar Company is shipping the two blends that are a part of its Archetype Chapter 3 Series. These blends include Dawn of Destiny and Sacred Scales, two blends developed in collaboration between Ernesto Perez-Carrillo Jr. and Ventura Cigar Company General Manager Michael Giannini.
“Ernesto Perez-Carrillo is a hero in this industry,” said Giannini in a press release. “He’s a master of his craft, with a lifetime of stories that he weaves into his blends. Calling upon him to create for Archetype Chapter 3 was like poetry. It has been an honor to work with and call him a friend for so many years. And it is an even bigger honor to work with him again now. I hope everyone checks out these cigars- you won’t want to miss out.”
The Archetype line heralds the Hero’s Journey, a common storytelling arc that has been shared across cultures and throughout time. Chapter 3’s Sacred Scales, marks the inflection point in this journey, beginning the hero’s return to the real world from the imaginary. And Dawn of Destiny represents the hero’s return to reality as the cigar travels across the thresholds of flavor.
For more details on Archetype Chapter 3, refer to our 2019 IPCPR Pre-Game Coverage.
Cigar News: Giannini and Perez-Carrillo Reunite for Archetype Chapter 3
Photo Credits: Cigar Coop