Los Caidos Cigars, best known to cigar enthusiasts for its financial support of family members of Fallen firefighters and police officers, is now officially being distributed by Sutliff Tobacco, America’s oldest pipe tobacco company.
Los Caidos Cigar was founded by Steve Zengel. The brand says it is present in 147 retail locations across 27 states.
While Sutliff Tobacco is known for being America’s oldest pipe tobacco company, it has also begun distributing cigar brands. Most notably these brands include Regius and Patoro Cigars.
In a press release announcing the strategic partnership, Sutliff Tobacco President Jeremy McKenna stated, “When Steve and I first discussed the distribution of his cigars, and I learned about the cause behind the brand, I was immediately interested because I’m a 22-year Army Veteran with a deployment in support of OIF. After trying my first cigar of his, I was sold and jumped at the opportunity to partner with Steve and grow Los Caidos together and help even more of our first responders throughout the country.”
Los Caidos CEO Steve Zengel added, “I’m so thankful for the opportunity to work with Jeremy and the rest of the cigar team at Sutliff Tobacco. It’s by far one of the biggest moves for the company since its inception. Partnering with Jeremy and Sutliff enables me to spend time with those brick-and-mortar retailers who served as the foundation on which the growth of the company was built while also allowing me to build new relationships with other retailers. Also, I can stay in better touch with those who are smoking the cigars and supporting the brand. I’m humbled by the fact that one of the oldest tobacco companies in the U.S., with the reputation they have, is working with me to advance our mission. Now, we’ll be able to help and service a greater number of people throughout the country more quickly. I’m stoked about it!”
Since October 2018, Los Caidos® has grown to having a presence in 147 retail locations in 27 states, including Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico, and has helped to raise $12,000 for family members of fallen firefighters and police officers.