Earlier this year, United Cigars announced what it says was the first NFT cigar, the Atabey Black. The NFT Cigars were offered as a part of a program to raise funds for the Cigar Rights of the World organization. Today, United Cigars announced that at the end of the year, it will be making a donation as a result of the Atabey Black NFT program.
The company offered the Atabey Black with both NFT single and NFT 25-count box offerings. With an initial offering of the Atabey Black at an asking price of $50/.24 ETH, the company sold out all 25 single NFT cigars. Meanwhile, the ten-count boxes were initially offered at $999 /.48 ETH. United Cigars says there are some ten-count boxes available.
United Cigars has said there is a possibility of the Atabey Black becoming a tangible tobacco/cigar offering in the future, but has been non-committal if this will actually happen.
“This was a concept met with skepticism but ultimately we wanted to raise awareness for Cigar Rights of the World and support the foundation. What started as a conversation over dinner may turn into something tangible, we may see more from Atabey Black,” commented Oliver Nivaud, Director of Operations for United Cigars.
For more information on the Atabey Black NFT, see our coverage from April 2021:
Photo/Image Credit: United Cigars