It’s been a while since we have done a Media Panel, and on Prime Time Episode 223 it will be our twelfth edition. We will be joined by John McTavish, How Bout That Cigar, and Cigar Hustler. The agenda will be Responsible Marketing, NASEM, and Alphabet Soup (TAA and PCA)
On our Alec Bradley Live True segment we will discuss “Munchies!” (the kind you eat). Plus we will have our Cattle Baron Steak Question of the night and Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust Industry Deliberation segment.
Tune in live at 10:00pm Eastern/7:00 pm Pacific START TIME on WEDS (SPECIAL NIGHT) 3/23. If you miss us, you can catch Prime Time at any time on Facebook, Google Play Music, iTunes, Podbean, and YouTube. The Prime Time Show – all about industry people and industry talk.