Carlito Fuente José Blanco Industry Talk

It was an evening of industry talk when Carlito Fuente and José Blanco of Arturo Fuente were our special guests for Prime Time Episode 312. One topic discussed was with the industry growing this had led to a more competitive landscape among retailers, manufacturers, and factory owners. With this competitive landscape, Carlito and José both discuss why it’s important these groups need to step up their game.

The two discussed why retailers need to keep their stores and factories in pristine condition. They also talk about why you need to stand out among the competition.

“If you do not upgrade with the image of the shop, (have) with people with knowledge, with sales skills, you are not going to make it if the new guy comes into town,” said Blanco.

With new cigar manufacturers coming onto the scene, Blanco made a point of saying they needed to make a cigar that stood out. “If you try to make a cigar that everybody’s going to like, you’re going to fail because you got to make a cigar that a group of people are going to love,” commented Blanco.

“There’s room on the retail side and manufacturer side, but you got to do it right,” added Blanco.

While José discussed the need for a shop to be in pristine condition, Carlito also discussed the importance of a factory being equally clean. “You walk into a nice restaurant, and you can see the kitchen,” said Carlito. “It’s (the cigar factory) got to be just as clean and just as good.”

Carlito emphasized that cigar media visits to factories are a more recent trend. With photos and videos being taken at the factories, it’s more important that they are clean.

“Fix it up because people are going to come to visit!” said Carlito. “Not only are consumers coming but the government is coming and watching.”

Here is this industry talk conversation on “stepping up” with Carlito Fuente and José Blanco.

Photo/Video Credits: Cigar Coop