Starting October 1, Patina Cigars will have a new U.S. distributor as City of Palms will take over Patina’s distribution from Sutliff Tobacco.
Patina Cigars Taps City of Palms for U.S. Distribution | Cigar News

Starting October 1, Patina Cigars will have a new U.S. distributor as City of Palms will take over Patina’s distribution from Sutliff Tobacco.
It’s a sixth journey down a rabbit hole…
On Take 305 of El Oso Fumar Takes, Reinhard Pohorec of Meerapfel Cigars and Light Em Up Lounge joins Bear Duplisea.
Episode 33 of Let’s Get Pairing (LGP) features pairings with the Stolen Throne Crook of the Crown 5th Anniversary.
Atabey Black Ritos by Selected Tobacco: Our review and learn about the first significant NFT cigar release in the industry.
The long-awaited Fuente Fuente OpusX Edición de la Sociedad – a.ka. the OpusX Society Cigar will have its launch on Saturday October 19, 2024
InterTabac stories take center stage this week
At the Total Product Expo (TPE) 2024, Casa Cuevas Cigars introduced a new offering under its La Mandarria line, the La Mandarria Oscuro
Casdagli Cigars introduced two new additions to its Brothers of the Sabre Line with the Epicurist and Vater at Intertabac 2024.
Today, we are reviewing Godfather’s Original Crust Cheese Pizza. This is the fifth of a six-part series called the Cheese Pizza Challenge.