A slow week of news, but the 2024 Cigar of the Year Countdown is underway.
Cigar Industry Report: Edition 616 (12/7/24)
Post Thanksgiving, cigar news has picked up again.
Cigar Industry Report: Edition 615 (11/30/24)
It was a light week in news this week….
Cigar Industry Report: Edition 614 (11/23/24)
Aganorsa Leaf has a new cigar to commemorate 25 years of operation…
Cigar Industry Report: Edition 613 (11/16/24)
We remember Mike Peacock who passed away last weekend.
Cigar Industry Report: Edition 612 (11/9/24)
We pay homage to one of the true legends in the cigar industry and kindest individuals you would ever meet, José Seijas.
Cigar Industry Report: Edition 610 (10/26/24)
Once again, a busy week of news…
Cigar Industry Report Edition 609 (10/19/24)
Leave it to PCA drama to make up for a slow week in news….
Cigar Industry Report: Edition 608 (10/12/24)
Not ony did the baseball world lose a beloved figure, but so did the cigar world.
Cigar Industry Report: Edition 607 (10/5/24)
A busy week for news…..