For Prime Time Special Edition #32, we switch “gears” a bit tonight and turn our attention to auto racing. The 102nd edition of the Indianapolis 500 is scheduled for Sunday, May 27, 2018. Racing expert Phillip Schmitz is our special guest to talk about the race. Folks are in for a real treat with Phillip’s […]
For Special Edition #31, we celebrate the one year anniversary of Prime Time Special Edition – and we honored to have a true maverick in the cigar industry to help us celebrate – Ernesto Perez-Carrillo Jr! Ernesto was incredibly generous with his time. We’ll kick things off talking about a passion project of his – […]
On Episode 53, we complete the three city Florida Tour as Prime Time returns to Corona Cigar in Orlando, Florida. We will have Jeff Borysiewicz, owner of Corona Cigar and the Florida Sun Grown Tobacco Farm. This week his farm is hosting the big Drew Estate Barn Smoker. We will get insights from Jeff on […]
On Special Edition #30, Casey Haugen returns to Prime Time and this time we bring him over to the Special Edition side of the house. We will catch up on the happenings of Crux Cigars. Bear and Coop will then discuss the court ruling that went against the cigar industry in regards to warning labels and user fees. […]
On Episode 52, we welcome Juan Lopez, National Sales Manager of Gurkha Cigars. We will get to know Juan better and dive into the world of Gurkha Cigars. In our Debonaire Ideal, we will talk about cigar lighters and in our Deliberation Segment, we will discuss the latest controversy that has surfaced regarding warning labels. […]
On Episode 51, we welcomed the one and only Steve Saka of Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust to Prime Time! We chronicled Steve’s journey from JR Cigar through Drew Estate and of course, what he has been doing at Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust. In our Debonaire Ideal, we will talked about Saka’s “Epic Road Trips” and […]
While at C.L.E. Cigar Company World Headquarters in Miami for our Prime Time goes Daytime broadcast, we ran into Asylum Cigars co-owner Tom Lazuka. We caught up with Tom on the latest happenings at Asylum Cigars as well as his beloved Michigan Sports. This episode ran live just following our regular Prime Time Special Edition #29 broadcast. Don’t […]
For Special Edition #29, Prime Time went Day Time as we broadcasted a special episode live from C.L.E. Cigar Company World Headquarters in Miami Florida with our special guest Christian Eiroa. We recap Christian’s journey from the time his family took over Camacho, to when he decided to start all over again with C.L.E. Cigar […]
Prime Time turns 50 tonight – and we will have Dean Parsons of Epic Cigars making his Prime Time debut on this episode. We will learn about the story behind Epic Cigars as well as look at some of the cigars Dean is producing. With Prime Time one year old and turning 50, we will […]
On Special Edition #28, we look at cigar industry faux pas – those miscalculated moves that seem to be repeated by the cigar industry over and over again. Bear and Coop give their selections and discuss the impacts their moves have had. Plus, we have another Aging Experiment project – where we smoke a cigar now, […]