At the 2024 Premium Cigar Association (PCA) Trade Show, Miami Cigar & Company celebrated its 35th anniversary
PCA 2024: United Cigars
This year the United re-introducd an old brand, expanded its eponymous United brand, and celebrated the 30th anniversary for the La Gianna Havana brand.
PCA 2024: Quesada Cigars
This year Quesada Cigars is celebrating 50 years since they opened its first factory.
PCA 2024: Somm Cigars
We take a look at a new company that made its PCA debut, Somm Cigars.
PCA 2024: C.L.E. Cigar Company
The theme of for C.L.E. Cigar Company was packaging. This included the introduction of honeycomb displays and tubes.
PCA 2024: Powstanie Cigars
Powstanie Cigars introduced a Corona Gorda linę extension to is Powstanie Connecticut linę called Justice.
PCA 2024: Luciano Cigars
Luciano had several new releases and new partnerships, including one with NBA All Star Ron Harper.
PCA 2024: Wildfire Cigar Company
The company has two limited cigars, each a second installment of a trilogy from a specific factory.
PCA 2024: AJ Fernandez Cigars
At PCA 2024, AJ Fernandez Cigars showed off a brand extension to the Dias de Gloria, and previewed its upcoming 20th Anniversary release.
PCA 2024: S.T. Dupont
S.T. Dupont wowed at the 2024 PCA Trade Show with impressive booth offerings and presentations. The French company showcased various collections with a contemporary/modern theme, highlighting their top-of-the-line product innovation.