Next week, the Dominican Cigar community holds its annual ProCigar festival. Once again, Quesada Cigars will use the event to showcase a signature release for the year. This year, Quesada will unveil Quesada 1974. It’s a cigar that pays homage to the year the company first started producing Dominican cigars, 45 years ago. The blend […]
Cigar News: La Aurora Hors D’Age to be Showcased at ProCigar 2018
The annual ProCigar Festival will take place in Santiago de los Caballeros in the Dominican Republic from February 18, 2018 through February 23, 2018; and at the 2018 festival La Aurora Cigars will showcase a limited edition line known as La Aurora Hors D’Age. According to La Aurora, Hors d’Age stands for “beyond time” and it […]