Riverside Cigars, a retailer based in Jeffersonville, Indiana (just outside Louisville, Kentucky) has announced they will be the first retailer to receive Tesa Cigars. Tesa Cigars is actually a brand of cigars sold at a retail shop in Chicago with the same name. These cigars have garnered a strong reputation. Information on this announcement was made on Riverside Cigar’s web-page. A national launch event is scheduled for Thursday September 6 at Riverside’s Match Cigar Bar.
Tesa Cigars is the brainchild of Tesa Cigar store owner Chris Kelly. This is not a “house” cigar by any means. Tesa owns their own factory (Tabacalera Tesa) in Esteli, Nicaragua and has built up a line of cigars that satisfy a wide range of pallets.
Riverside listed the following six blends from Tesa Cigars that they will carry:
Cabinet 312: This cigar features a Criollo’98 Maduro wrapper and Nicaraguan fillers. It is currently available in six sizes. This cigar is named for Chicago’s area code. It is described as a medium-bodied cigar with ” bold flavors of heavy espresso and dark chocolate that has subtle spice and rounded out with a creamy texture”. Tesa says production of this cigar is limited to 80,000 cigars annually.
Grand Cru: This cigar also features a Criollo ’98 Maduro wrapper with Nicaraguan fillers. This is available in five sizes. This is described as Tesa’s most full-bodied offering. Tesa says production is limited to 65,000 cigars annually.
PK Connecticut: This cigar is described as “a mild cigar with creamy texture and an inviting profile of mild tobacco and nuts”.
PK Habano: This cigar is described as “a full-flavored, medium body smoke with exceptional flavor and construction.”
Reserva No. 464: This cigar features a Connecticut Shade wrapper over Nicaraguan filler. This cigar is available in six sizes. It is described as “a mild-medium blend that produces a rich earthy sweetness and creamy profile and notes of cedar and caramel”.
Shaman: This cigar features a Brazilian Arapirica wrapper over Nicaraguan filler. This cigar is available in six sizes. It is described as “a medium, earthy blend highlighted by rich chocolate notes, pleasant spice and a smoky profile.”