The Davidoff of Geneva Madison Avenue 25th Anniversary cigar has begun to arrive on the shelves of various Davidoff Appointed Merchants. This is a cigar that commemorates the 25th anniversary of the company’s flagship store – located on Madison Avenue in New York City.
The Davidoff Madison Avenue store is considered one of approximately 60 flagship stores for Oettinger Davidoff Group. Flagship stores not on carry the entire Davidoff portfolio, but they also have a smoking lounge, and tend to focus on the entire customer experience. The official opening of the Madison Avenue flagship store occurred June 10, 1987, so the release is slightly past the 25th anniversary of the store. The store has since relocated from its original location.
It was prior to the 2013 IPCPR Trade Show where we noted an appearance by Davidoff North America President Jim Young on Kiss My Ash Radio where he announced a pair of limited edition commemorative cigars. One was a cigar to commemorate Davidoff of Geneva 25th Anniversary cigar – commemorating 25 years of Davidoff being in business in North America. The other cigar is the Davidoff of Geneva Madison Avenue 25th Anniversary cigar.
While it was thought by many the Davidoff of Geneva Madison Avenue 25th Anniversary Cigar was going to be a retail-exclusive cigar to the Madison Avenue store. It turns out the store is being made available to Davidoff Appointed Merchants.
At a glance, let’s look at the Davidoff of Geneva Madison Avenue 25th Anniversary cigar:
Blend Profile
While Davidoff has not officially confirmed the blend, several retailers are reporting the blend as follows:
Wrapper: Yamasa 192 (Aged 6 years)
Binder: Ecuadorian 151 (Aged 5 years)
Filler: Dominican
Vitolas Available
The Davidoff of Geneva Madison Avenue 25th Anniversary cigar is being made in one size – a 6 x 50.