The 2015 Cigar Coop Factory of the Year Award for a Large/ Multi-Faceted Operation goes to Tabacalera A. Fuente y Cia. This is the Dominican factory owned by Arturo Fuente Cigars.
Cigar Coop looks at consistency, quality, and innovation coming out of a factory when selecting this award. Because factories are not “one size fits all”, we split this into two categories – one for smaller operations and one for larger and/or multi-faceted operations.
This was a very different pick. It wasn’t based so much on “what’s new”, but more on how good a job it has done at production of the existing lines. During the course of the 2016 Cigar Year, the releases by Arturo Fuente from Tabacalera A. Fuente y Cia all showed excellent quality and consistency. This was demonstrated in everything from OpusX to Hemingway to Don Carlos to Chateau Fuente. The recent release of the Casa Cuba Divine Inspiration also demonstrated innovation as this proved to be a very different release from Arturo Fuente.
With the popularity in the boutiques and small batch manufacturers in recent years, the factory operation of the larger companies often get overlooked. In 2016, the output from Tabacalera A. Fuente y Cia demonstrated excellence- and for that its earns a Cigar Coop Factory of the Year award.
Honorable Mentions include: Casa Fernandez (Multi Faceted), Davidoff (Multi Faceted), Plasencia SA, Tabacelera Fernandez (A.J. Fernandez),
Winners Honor Roll
2014 Casa Fernandez (Multiple)
2015 Davidoff (Multiple)
2016 Tabacalera A. Fuente y Cia