
The Romeo 505 Nicaragua, a cigar introduced at the 2016 IPCPR Trade Show by Altadis USA has begun its widespread release.The company says the cigar is now available at Casa de Montrcristo and jR Cigar retail shops as well as its Montecristo lounge stores. Plans are for a full release to Altadis USA retailers beginning March 1st.

The Romeo 505 becomes the fourth “Romeo” branded cigar in the Romeo y Julieta line. This joins the Romeo by Romeo y JulietaRomeo Anejo by Romeo y Julieta, and Romeo by Romeo y Julieta Aging Room Small Batch F25. The Romeo Aging Room cigar was also a collaborative effort as it was done in with Boutique Blends. In terms of the “Romeo” branded cigars, these have been meant to attract a younger audience.


Romeo 505 Nicaragua is also an all-Nicaraguan cigar. Production for this cigar is being handled at the Placencia factory in Nicaragua. Altadis has been collaborating with Placencia on the Espada by Montecristo line. The Romeo 505 is actually not the first all Nicaraguan Romeo y Julieta.  That honor gooes to the RyJ by Romeo by Julieta, however that was a cigar produced in Honduras.

Another thing that is different is the Romeo 505 Nicaragua is that it comes in four pressed sizes. Each size is available in 20 count boxes.

Altadis describes the new Romeo 505 Nicaragua as the boldest, spicier Romeo y Julieta yet.

At a glance, here is a look at the Romeo 505 Nicaragua:

Blend Profile

Wrapper: Habano Jalapa
Binder: Habano Jalapa
Filler: Nicaraguan (Jalapa, Condega, Esteli)
Country of Origin: Nicaragua (Placencia SA)

Vitolas Available

Robusto: 5 1/2 x 50
Toro: 6 x 52
Churchill: 7 x 50
Piramides: 6 1/2 x 54

Photo Credits: Altadis USA, except where noted