The Herrera Esteli TAA Exclusive, a cigar introduced by Drew Estate for the Tobacconists Association of America (TAA) in 2016 is returning. This time, the cigar will be an on-going offering to TAA members.
Each year, the TAA commissions cigar manufacturers to make exclusive cigars for its retail members. There are two types of TAA exclusive cigars. The first are limited edition offerings that are “one and done”. Meanwhile the second type are limited edition offerings that can continue to be ordered by TAA retail members. The Herrera Esteli TAA Exclusive now falls into that second category.
This is at the second on-going exclusive offering Drew Estate has done for the TAA. The other is the Acid Big Bang.
The Herrera Esteli TAA Exclusive features a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, Brazilian Mata Fina binder, and Nicaragua fillers. The TAA offering is a 6 x 52 Toro packaged in 12 count boxes.
Photo Credit: Drew Estate