Ezra Zion Cigar Company Logo

Following the announcement by Fred Rewey that he has sold his Nomad Cigar Company brands to Ezra Zion Cigar Company, Ezra Zion outlined some initial details around the transition.

First up, distribution will move to TX Distribution. This is the distribution company set up by Ezra Zion last year that is based in Alford, Texas. While Ezra Zion and Nomad undergo the transition, retailers will be able to continue to order from their existing Nomad sales representatives.

While recently Ezra Zion has focused more on a direct to consumer channel for distribution, Ezra Zion did state that the current Nomad blends in the market will continue to be available at brick and mortar shops. The company will be unveiling wholesale ordering instructions for the Nomad brand.

At the same time, Ezra Zion is already looking to the future with its acquisition of Nomad.

“Well, we’ve got some very special blends just waiting to be released—really next level stuff! We will definitely be doing some very cool limited offerings under the Nomad brand,” commented Ezra Zion co-owner Kyle Hoover.

“We’d like an outlet for our more edgy and experimental stuff—both in terms of cigar making and also art concepts. There are some ideas that we feel might not exactly fit as an Ezra Zion release. Nomad gives us the chance to color outside the lines.” added co-owner Chris Kelly.

Ezra Zion also says it will be unveiling more branding updates in the future.