IndianHead Cigars, the company owned by Jochy Blanco and makers of the La Galera brand of cigars, showcased their fourth cigar in 2019. For the past two years, the company has focused mostly on line extensions. This year, Blanco would bring his first major release in three years with the La Galera.
La Galera is a brand that has paid tribute to cigar making – most notably in the factories where many of the vitola names make reference to what goes on in the factory. With Anemoi, it pays homage to the winds that play a key role in growing tobacco. Each wind’s direction can help give an idea whether to expect a good crop or brace for a bad season – something that applies to tobacco growing in the Dominican Republic. The direction can also determine the best spaces to grow tobacco.
The vitola names in Anemoi pay homage to various Greek wind gods. This includes:: Boreas (god of the north, 4 3/4 x 46), Notos (god of the south, 5 x 56), Eurus (god of the east, 5 1/2 x 48), and Zephyrus (god of the west, 6 x 60). The fifth, Anemoi (and name of the line), is the collective name of the Greek wind gods and measures 6 3/8 x 52.
As for the blend, its features a Connecticut Broadleaf (the first La Galera to use it) over Dominican tobaccos grown on Blanco’s farms.
In addition, La Galera launched a tin offering called La Galera Minis featuring a Connecticut Shade wrapper.
IPCPR 2019 Product Reports
Photo Credits: Cigar Coop