Last year Asylum Cigars celebrated its seventh anniversary with the Asylum Seven. With 2020 being the brand’s eighth anniversary, Asylum Cigars is having a celebration for that milestone with the Asylum Eight. It’s a cigar expected to hit retailers this fall.
Asylum Eight continues on the theme of Asylum Seven, which was meant to introduce an ultra-premium big-ring cigar into the market.
Tom Lazuka appeared on the Prime Time Virtual Trade Show 2020 and said the Asylum Eight will have a similar packaging theme (with coffins) to the Asylum Seven. Asylum Eight will feature the same two sizes as Asylum Seven – the 70 x 7 and the 11/18 (48/54/48 x 6). One thing that is different is that while the Asylum Seven featured a combination of Nicaraguan and Honduran tobaccos, the Asylum Eight will be an all-Honduran cigar.
A total of 750 boxes of the Asylum Eight 11/18 will be produced. Each 11/18 cigar will have a price point of $20.00. Meanwhile, a total of 500 boxes of the Asylum Eight 70 x 7 will be produced with each cigar priced at $25.00. Both the 11/18 and 70 x 7 cigars will be packaged in individual coffins with a total of 20 coffins per box.
Image Credit: Asylum Cigars