On July 3, 2012, Cigar Coop made the decision to become a 365 day a year publication. Since then we have never looked back and today marks 3,000 consecutive days of publishing original content!
This is an important milestone for Cigar Coop. Our goal was to show that Cigar Coop was a brand that was here for the long haul and daily publication or original content is the strongest mechanism to deliver on that promise. Cigar Coop celebrated its tenth anniversary this year, but for the past 8 years, 2 months, and 16 days we have been proud to deliver original content on a daily basis – despite many challenges along the way.
This would not be possible without our readers, sponsors, and strategic partners. Thank you all. It’s an honor each time everyone takes the time to be a part of our space in the premium cigar world.
P.S. Stay tuned as we have several original content pieces still to publish on this day.