Following Miami Cigar and Company’s plans to restructure its sales force, today Toscano Cigars, the Italian cigar company distributed by Miami Cigar Company, issued a statement in terms of its relationship with Miami Cigar and Company.

The statement came from Manifatture Sigaro Toscano CEO Luciano Simeone:

[themify_box ]

Following the announcement of Miami Cigar Co. regarding its restructuring decision, Manifatture Sigaro Toscano, manufacturer of the 200-year-brand TOSCANO®, reassures all Valued Customers in the United States of America that for the time being, we will continue to provide the best customer service and the most premium of products via Miami Cigar Co. until further notice.

Any and all changes in distribution will be promptly communicated.[/themify_box]

While the letter does say Toscano can still be ordered through Miami Cigar and Company in the U.S., there was no confirmation in terms of the long term commitment.

Miami Cigar and Company’s restructuring is going to drastically reduce its company’s sales and marketing force. Since the announcement several representatives and brokers have confirmed that come January 1, 2021 they will no longer be with the company. This past weekend, La Aurora issued a statement indicating that at least for the near future, there would be no changes in its relationship with Miami Cigar & Company.